We Welcome You to Calvary


Calvary is a Family

Dropping by in person is the best way to see what we’re like. We promise you’ll feel welcomed.

Whether you’ve gone to church as long as you can remember or have never been inside a place with the word “church” on the sign, we’d love to have you give us a try. Come in jeans or wear a suit. Attend by yourself or bring some family or friends. We are a small, friendly community. And we are ready to meet you wherever you are in your faith journey. The Bible is a big part of our worship services, so if you have one, bring it. If not, Scripture is usually displayed on the slideshows of the messages.

Worship Times

Sunday Morning Bible Study: 9:45am

Sunday Morning Worship: 10:45am

Sunday Evening: 6pm

We believe there is hope in the power of prayer.

If you have a specific concern, request, need, health problem, etc., and would like us to pray about it, click on the link below. Tell us as little or much information as you feel comfortable. Please say if we are we permitted to follow-up with you by email or phone number, if provided.

Your victories are our victories. If there is something you would like us praise and thank God for, please share that as well so we can rejoice with you.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” - Philippians 4:6